Upcoming Events:
1. How to Achieve 1.5 years growth in Math and Reading in Inner City Schools:
Michigan Association of School Administrators Conference (MASA) 2017 Fall Conference, September
21st 3:15-4:15 speaking time Grand Traverse Resort and SPA (ACME, MI 49610)
2. Equipping Leaders to Close the Achievement Gap While Conquering Poverty:
10th Annual Black Male Summit Conference September 29th and 30th University of Akron
3. Delivering on the Promise of Student Achievement in Inner City Schools (Oct 6th 4:00-5:00)
Equipping Leaders to Close the Achievement Gap While Conquering Poverty (Oct 7th11:00-12:00)
50th Annual Illinois Reading Council Conference Peoria, Illinois
4. How to use Data to Improve Student Achievement in Inner City Schools.
Stay Woke: The Inaugural National Black Male Educators Conference Philadelphia, PA Oct 13-17
5. Mathematics Meaningful Through Collaboration Conference October 23rd Lansing, Michigan
Webinar Topics: